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PostPosted: Wed 6:03, 16 Mar 2011    Post subject: 美容五忌 ghd

美容五忌,hair straighteners
人们热爱美,渴望把自己打扮得更漂亮,cheap ghd straighteners,但如果处理得不当,就可能会给您带来不小的麻烦,ghd hair straighteners,所以,您若有以下习惯,一定要尽快改掉.
一、忌不卸妆就睡觉.因为化妆品长时间不卸,残妆会堵塞毛孔引起粉刺、瘙痒. 时间长了,还可引起色素沉淀,造成皮肤灰暗无光.所以,最好一回家就卸掉彩妆,临睡前再以温水洗脸,彻底清洁后涂以滋养护肤品,保养皮肤.
三、忌用肥皂水去除眼部化妆.眼部周围的皮肤非常脆弱,肥皂不但刺激性强,而且无法去除油性的睫毛膏.应选用眼部专用卸妆油,ghd hair straightener,用卸妆棉轻轻擦拭即可.
四、忌用脏手化妆、卸妆.因脏手会传播细菌而污染化妆品,甚至引起皮肤发炎,所以上妆前应洗净双手,ghd australia,用棉签取出化妆品,不宜用手直接挖取.挤压式的化妆品较好,它能避免污染.另外切记不能和别人合用化妆品,尤其是睫毛膏、口红等绝对不 可混用.
五、忌用手挤压粉刺、暗疮.用脏手随便挤压粉刺、暗疮,ghd straightener,很容易造成皮肤感染,cheap ghds,加重病情,严重者还会遗留下色素沉着及暗疮瘢痕.所以长了暗疮不宜自行挤压,应到美容院进行专业护理或到医院诊治.
Create the Goddess new styles for your baby'sself with ghd mark 4 styler and be as well groomed as your friend are well versed. your friend also can even curl with it. Do whatever you want with this handy styler. You can choose the new 2010 lastest pink ghd, ghd color collection,ghd hair straightener, precious ghd, purple ghd, pure or dark limited edition, or black, hot pink,ghd, kiss pink, gold,ghd hair, even or the "rare" which comes in a leopard print case.

Time for Fashion to Get Hip ghd

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